An Introduction Blog
Hello everyone!
So, you’ve stumbled upon my website, eh? I’m glad you’re here regardless of what brings you here. Whether if you read one of my books, or you’re curious about me as a person or a writer, I’d figured I’d have fun with my first blog and do a fun ten things about me.
“Fun Days”
A polariod picture of me one of my friends took in her apartment. I also wrote my name at the bottom of it.
And without further to do, here are ten things about me:
Obviously my pen name is Elizabeth Pridgen. I used this pen name since people have always called me Elizabeth growing up. Even though my name is Ada, people mispronounce it often, even with me currently being in college. And people already mispronounce “Pridgen” often, saying “pigeon” or “pridgert” sometimes. So, when I started my career as a writer, I chose Elizabeth as my pen name.
Im half Filipina and half American. My mom is from Manila and my dad’s from Virginia but then they decided NC was the place to be. And I’ve been in North Carolina ever since, though my life often flip-flops between Wake County and Nash County.
I have two dogs, Daisy and Hershey. Daisy is half beagle and English lab while Hershey is a chocolate lab.
I have 3 published books and 5 books total. The three novels are on my Goodreads profile, which you should definitely check out, and the first two were published when I was 18, then the most recent one being my current age, 21. And yes, I am polishing up the other two with hopes for publications.
Also, another random fun fact about me, my birthday is September 1. Growing up, I would share a birthday with a great-uncle and a good friend of mine, Jane, both have unfortunately since passed several years ago.
Some of my favorite writers are Kurt Vonnegut, Rick Riordan and Stephen King. In fact, Rick Riordan was the one to primarly inspire me to be a writer.
In regards to education and work, I would like to be the first in my family to go to grad school and teach creative writing classes in college while working toward being an aspiring novelist.
I love writing science fiction the most. It’s my comfy zone and definitely pushes me to be more creative.
My weak point as a writer is definetely romance. It mostly comes from the fact that romance isn’t my personal favorite genre to read, hence why romance is not my strong point.
I have a bad habit of listening to various types of music while writing, particularly rock then country music. It honestly depends on my mood and what kind of story I’m writing. And in all honesty, I wish I could break this habit, but it’s definetely a hard one to break.